Cubic Graphs Worksheets – New & Engaging

Cubic Graphs Worksheets – New & Engaging

Cubic Graphs Worksheets - Practice

Cubic graphs worksheets for year 9 and year 10 for 9-1 GCSE Maths for the UK national curriculum. Each cubic graphs worksheet involves quadratic graphs and linear graphs. Cubic graphs worksheet 1 and cubic graph worksheet 2 contain questions on quadratic graphs. Cubic graphs worksheet 1 works at grade 4 and cubic graphs worksheet 2 works at grade 8.

What Do Cubic Graphs Look Like?

When a cubic function is mapped on a Graph it forms an "S" shape. Cubic functions will have up to three real solutions. "Solutions" are the the points where the cubic curve meet, or "cut", the x-axis. The x-axis is the horizontal axis and horiztonal can be remembered as flat like the word "horizon". Cubic graphs can intercept the x-axis once, twice or three times. The graph of the cubic y = x3 is shown below.
Cubic Graph Worksheet Example
The graphs of the cubics; y = x3 + x2 - 1, y = x3 - 3x2 + 2 and y = -x3 - 2x2 are shown below:

Cubic Graphs Worksheet Example 2

How To Work Out Cubic Graphs

Cubic functions can sometimes be factorised but it is not usually easy or simple to do so. Here, these worksheets help us to solve the unknown values of a cubic function by using a graph.

Cubic Graphs Worksheet Example 3

For Completing The Square Cazoomy Worksheets try: Completing The Square Worksheets. For Equations Cazoomy Worksheets try: Equations Worksheets. For Real Life Graphs Cazoomy Worksheets try: Real Life Graphs Worksheets.