Inverse Proportion Worksheets – New & Engaging

Inverse Proportion Worksheets – New & Engaging

Inverse Proportion Worksheets - Practice

Inverse proportion worksheets for gcse higher working at grade 8. Inverse proportion worksheet 1 offers a step by step process finding the constant k when k is positive. Inverse proportion worksheet 2 contains sketching graphs questions and answers. Inverse proportion worksheet 3 offers more advanced problems involving x squared, x cubed and the square and cube root of x.

What is Inverse Proportion?

Inverse proportion involves multiplicative reasoning. Inverse proportion requires students to work comfortably with fractions and decimals. There are four inverse proportion statements below.

1) y is inversely proportional to x equates to y = k/x. y is inversely proportional to the square of x equates to y = k/x2. 2) y is inversely proportional to the cube of x equates to y = k/x3. 3) y varies inversely with the square root of x equates to y = k/√x. 4) 'y varies inversely with the square root of x' is the same as the statement 'y is inversely proportional to the square root of x'.

inverse proportion

The tables below show y is inversely proportional to x. We find the constant k by multiplying x with y such that xy = k.

inverse proportion 2

How to do Inverse Proportion

The inverse proportion question below states that s is inversely proportional to the square root of T.

inverse proportion example

The diagram below shows inverse proportion when mapped on a graph. As the independent variable increases the dependent variable decreases inversely.

inverse proportion graph

For Direct Proportion Cazoomy Worksheets try: Direct Proportion Worksheets. For Ratio Cazoomy Worksheets try: Ratio Worksheets. For Bodmas Cazoomy Worksheets try: Bodmas Worksheets.