Algebra Worksheets & Answers

We have developed a range of very varied algebra worksheets. Algebra is at the heart of mathematics. Without knowing basic algebraic techniques that are taught at GCSE and A-Level, accessing advanced concepts such as those at University level or in harder subjects like Physics becomes impossible. Many great mathematicians; Euclid, Newton, Euler, Pythagoras and others, developed theories that not only shaped the way we thought about numbers but actually shaped and shifted the way that we thought about life. Coding is the new algebra - replacing algebra and setting precedence for how the world thinks. Algebra worksheets are not only enjoyable as a pure subject, they have massive implications for a number of other sister and brother related topics.

Algebra Maths Worksheet Practice and Answers

Free algebra worksheets below. Algebra worksheet 1 looks at simultaneous equations. Algebra worksheet 2 contains questions on bodmas. Algebra worksheet 3 involves simplifying expressions using rectangle perimeters. Algebra worksheet 4 involves completing the square. Algebra worksheet 5 contains 'I think of a number' word problems. Algebra worksheet 6 is factorising quadratic expressions exercise.

Algebra Worksheets & Answers

algebra worksheet 1
algebra worksheet 1
algebra worksheet 2
algebra worksheet 2
algebra worksheet 3
algebra worksheet 3